- Payment in full is required at time of booking and must be sent with the completed booking form. A confirmation of booking will be sent to you either by email or post, after receiving our confirmation you have seven working days after this date in which to cancel the contract. This cancellation must be in writing and within the time period stated. A full refund will be given.
- If after the cooling off period, the client cancels the contract a full refund will be given if cancellation is received by us within four weeks of the start of the course.
- In the unlikely event that we have to cancel the course a full refund will be given
- In the event of the specified tutor being unable to attend the course due to illness or other circumstances beyond our control, a replacement will be provided. If a replacement is not found we will provide a full refund.
- If, after confirmation of contract any changes are made to the price or particulars contained in our courses, you will be notified in writing and will have the opportunity to cancel before entering into an amended contract.
- If you have any special dietary requirements, we must be informed via the booking form prior to the course. We will advise caterers of your requirements, but we cannot guarantee that such requests will be met, and we will have no liability to you if such requests are not met.
- The client must communicate any perceived failure of the course or workshop to Imber Court Photo Training whilst on the course, thus giving the company the opportunity of achieving a satisfactory solution. Should this not be possible for any reason, your complaint must be made in writing to us within 28 days after the finish date of the course.
- By submitting the booking form, you are agreeing to accept all of these Terms and Conditions. The person submitting the form does so on behalf of all the other individuals included on it, so that all are bound by the booking conditions.