Just released 2024 Photography Trips & Holidays

Hi Everyone, here are some of our Photography Holidays planned for this year. If like me you are fed up with the weather here in the UK and are desperate to explore pastures new then there is bound to be something in this email to look forward to.

Picos de Europa and Cabarceno Nature Reserve

Sunday 2nd to Sunday 9th June 2024

Cost £1995.00

The Picos de Europa is one of the few truly unspoilt areas of Spain that is still unaffected by large numbers of tourists. Do not confuse this area with holiday Spain! The contrasts within these 300 square miles of spectacular natural beauty that link Cantabria and Asturias are amazing. Looking up you’ll see a series of dramatic rocky peaks rising to well over 8,000 feet, their sharp jagged edges clearly defined against the pale blue skyline. Small mountain villages are tucked away in the higher slopes almost completely isolated. Looking down, the first signs of colourful mountain flowers begin to appear, increasing in frequency the lower you look amongst the rolling hills of lush vegetation. Deep gorges that plunge vertically down into deep river valleys, sparkling lakes, and magical forests make this a photographers paradise just begging to be explored.

New for 2024 are 2 full day visits to the Cabarceno Nature Reserve located 20 km south of Santander. This nature reserve is as close as you can get to seeing wildlife in their natural habitat and setting. It features many animals threatened with extinction, like African elephants, zebras and white rhinoceros along with bears, tigers, lions and much more.

Full details can be found here;

The Outer Hebrides and Isle of Harris

Friday 14th to Sunday 23rd June 2024

Cost £2200 approximately

Are you looking for a unique and exciting holiday destination that offers stunning natural beauty and plenty of opportunities to take amazing photographs? Then a photography holiday to these beautiful islands is the perfect place for you. The Western Isles/Outer Hebrides boast some of the most breathtaking landscapes in Europe, from rolling hills to rugged coastlines. An opportunity to photograph Puffins on the island of Mingulay and eagles hunting on the east coast of North Uist. Time will also be spent photographing the wide variety of sea birds on the beaches and of course searching for the elusive otters. The Isle of Harris is our next stop for its stunning seascapes and landscapes.

This trip is not on our website yet, I’m holding fire on booking everything until I see how much interest there is from you all. There will be a maximum of seven places available on this one and a full itinerary will be available in the next couple of days. We will travel from Glasgow to the west coast, catch a ferry to Lochboisdale on South Uist where we will stay for 2 nights. We then travel up to North Uist for three nights and then across to the Isle of Harris for 2nights and the back to the mainland and Inverness via the ferry to Ullapool.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in coming along, There are very few hotel options on the islands so I will need to secure rooms and ferry crossings within the next few days. Please let me know if you require any further information

Amazing India

Saturday 14th to Friday 27th September 2024

Due to the amount of enquiries I have been receiving re our India Rajasthan holiday I have managed to book another one in September. Our guided tour of Rajasthan goes beyond the typical tourist route, allowing you to capture iconic landmarks like the Taj Mahal while immersing yourself in the authentic Indian experience and explore small villages and towns, meet the locals, and stay at enchanting rural heritage properties, including castles, old forts, and a night of luxury camping beside a beautiful lake.

The final two nights are spent at a beautiful hotel overlooking the lake in Udaipur, where the final scenes of the first Marigold Hotel were filmed. Two visits to Ranthambore National Park offer the chance to spot Tigers. Optional activities include an Indian Cooking course and horse riding at Bijaipur Castle. This trip guarantees to be a life-changing experience!

£2950 + flights PER PERSON single occupancy accommodation throughout

Full details can be found here;


I hope to run two trips to the land of Fire and Ice in November and December this year, dates are to be confirmed. If you would be interested in this trip let me know and I will keep you updated throughout the year.

India Wildlife Tour February/ March2025

This one is in the early stages of planning so again for those of you who have already declared an interest and for those of you who also may be interested in this one, let me know and I will send you updates as things progress.